Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Public speaking by Tarttelor( A125211)

Last Friday ( 15 May – 17 May) my friends and I were going to the Cherating Holiday Villa, Pahang for ‘Kursus Induksi’. One of the slot is public speaking. We have to prepare in 15 minutes with the topic given and present it in 3 minutes. Uhu!

I got a topic about Reality Shows. Oh well.. It’s gonna be simple, I thought because reality shows is the common phenomena in Malaysia. I started wrote my points in a pieces of paper while I think for myself and put my thinking cap on about the topic. Unfortunately, I’m not come out with the relevant points. Maybe this topic is too general. Tik tok tik tok time is running dear…I monolog by myself. So I asked for a help from one of the Felo about his opinions with this topic. He asked me to go more specifics such as the concept, the advantages or disadvantages and ‘ting!’. I got an ideas. ( sound effect when u get an ideas).

“Ok. Time out!” the Mc said. Gulp! I’m not finish yet.
“We will continue our public speaking after tea time break” the Mc continues. Thank God, I have more time to prepare well.

After tea time break (15 minutes later) ….

“Let continue our slot now before that I want to ask Felos to pick one number from 18 until 40” Mc begin the slot.
“18” one of them said.
“The first speaker would be Rasyiqah” All people in the meeting room clap their hand.

Uhu...Calm down and relax dear. You can do it! I try to motivate myself. I stand in the front of people and started to talk my speech in a meantime I was very nervous.I moved my body right and left during the speech. Suddenly, my mind become blur I stop talked and try memories back what I have wrote. Time is running again. So I tried to think on my feet for new points. The problem is I don’t know how to translate in English because the ideas running in my head is in BM. After a few seconds I tried to talk and finished my speech as well as I can. I sat back on my place after that.I'm not satisfied what I have done but I hepi because I fight my fear to talk in front of people.

What I have learn is :-
1) Do not memories your speech.
2) Be honest- if u don’t know said it and u can stop your speech.
3) Eye contact
4) Body language- Do not move a lot.
5) Must read a lot- Idea and English words will be easier to u.

Maybe this tips can improve ourselves for next public speaking.
GO GO and All the best.
p/s- the bold words is an idioms.