Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fake product observation by A120090

perfume generics

If you go to any Reject Shop they will surely have this counter of perfume generics somewhere near their cashier counters.
From the picture, it looks like a normal stacks of perfumes.

But when you look closer at the names of the perfumes, I guess you'll have the shock of your life. (hyperbola je lebih)
We first realized this when we were at a Reject Shop in MetroKajang, Kajang.
I didn't bring my camera that time.
This time I didn't want to miss my chance. :D



I'll make life easier for you by listing them down. :)
Women Series :
1. Escap
2. Etarnity
3. Jadure
4. Mirecle
5. Sanflower
6. Trupical Panch

Men Series :
1. CK 1-One
2. Coal Waterl
3. Hugol
4. Polo Bleu

This is RIDICULOUSLY insane! *faints*
Kalau nak buat generics pun, just put the real names lah. Give credits to the original perfumes a bit tak salah kan.