Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ghost whisperer by A120090

The first time I heard someone died yesterday night.
Even though there will be people dying here everyday, yesterday somehow seemed different.

It made me think.
The person died due to a road traffic accident.
I'm guessing it had just happened.
And yesterday it was raining outside.

While sitting on that grey-coloured chair at the corner in the lab, a lot of things came across my mind like how did the person die? What happened to him? Was he alone? You know. All sort of stuffs.

One of my friend said it out aloud that "the person had just died" like it was just another daily conversation. I guess we are so used to it that it sounded like a normal 'weather forecast' to me.

Talk about the weather. Yesterday night it rained. It was like an answered prayer. I was very glad. But then again, when I came to think about that person who just died, the rainy day seemed to not be a blessing anymore. The person might be dead because of the rain. Because of the rain, the road became slippery and dangerous. And because of the slippery road, the person somehow might skidded. And because of that, he might be fighting for his life but he lost.

One thing that hit me was that he might have a FAMILY waiting for him at home; taking it for granted that they will see him at the end of the day and will have another day to spend it with him.

This reminded me that life is definitely unpredictable. It is full of surprises. We cannot change the fact that we are going to die someday but we CAN change our attitude towards our loved ones.

I am not hoping for anything, but someday we might be the person I mentioned above or his family. Don't wait for this to happen to regret not telling your loved ones that you love them. A simple 'I love you' won't hurt right? :)

p/s : I would like EACH AND EVERYONE of you to know that I appreciate you for being a part of my life. Be it small or big. I am saying this before I regret not saying it when I don't have the time anymore to say it. :)