Saturday, June 20, 2009
A verb is an action.
It may be a physical action, such as run, swim, jump.
It may be a mental or abstract action, such as think, consider, satisfy
Verbs have tenses:
jump, jumped, is jumping, has jumped and so on
A noun is a thing.
It may be a physical thing, such as house, car, chair
It may be an abstract thing, such as honor, goodness, confidence
An adjective is a description, such as green, old, big, small
An adjective cannot have a tense. However, some are spelled with –ed or –ing:
Example: The movie was boring
I felt bored
These are usually adjectives of feeling (Click here for more details)
He has a lot of __________.
A) confident
B) confidence
We know that a NOUN must go in the blank, because you can have a THING and a noun is a thing.
Confidence is a noun, so it is the correct answer.
If you are not sure whether a word is a noun, verb or adjective, check your dictionary.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/20/2009 03:46:00 PM 1 comments
Maybe this my last post to the blog...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/20/2009 03:40:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A117773
Thank for loving lecture Puan Sharifah and Miss N because you not boring to teach me and my classmate. I know sometime you very angry about the students because no responce or attention in the class. For not likes that because all students very interested to hear whar the teacher say. Thank you and after this we all can a good friend in the future.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/20/2009 11:11:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: A121499 SHA
ooooo...forgot write my matrik no.A118023..hehehe
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/20/2009 10:52:00 AM 0 comments
hai...................i miss u all...
hai my friends....i hope you all was fine today....
i waiting for a picture......who have a picture can upload at this blog...
because i miss you all..and the end good luck for your exam in monday right????
hhhmmmm prepair and study hard because this course can help you all up your pointer taw..
waste your money,our time if you all and me too didn't study hard for get 'A' in this subject.i hope next time we'll can met again.although just 6 week we have met but it's not difficult to close our relationship in group set 6...thank my friendss...i'm so happy because taking this course..
now i get improve my english and than i have confident to speaking english with everyone.If i didn't taking this course i must have a shy to speaking with everyone.Thank you teacher because teaching me.LOVE YOU ALL.MUAKSSSS.HEHEHE.....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/20/2009 10:30:00 AM 1 comments
can't sleep
its 3.30am in the morning..huaa
so bored today
after we finished our drama i feel so bored..
today i play PES09 5 times with my friends..hahaha
feel pain on my finger..pressing the joystick button..
oh my..
i forgot to wash my cloths..hahhaha..
i think its become so smelly right now...
tomorrow is
do have any ideas that i can go?
i think i want to go to the mines..
theres anybody were interested lets join me..haha
owh..before i forgot..
i saw our classmate last evening..
she went to the evening market in hentian kajang..
i ask her to buy me some food..but she is so shy-shy cat..hahaha
moral of the story..went you saw your classmate after this..
jst say hi to him/her.. maybe he/she will be so kind to buy us a drink..hihi
or perhaps he/she will give his/her phone number..hahaha=p..maybe.who knows?
thats all...just want to share somethings that not so important to you...
keep smiling.. but don't always smiling..someone will think you are insane...hahaha
daaa...have a nice weekend and don't forget to study dude..
exam is around the must get well prepared..
to me before you go to the DG on the monday morning..=p
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/20/2009 03:29:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: A123498
see u all next time...-bdk-A124327
Assalamualaikum and very good night.. firstly, i want says thanks to our beloved teachers miss N and pn Sharifah for teaching us for this 7 week. Although it not too long time we met, but we all like one big family and our relationship more closer since our drama practice. Then, i want to apologise to everyone if i had something terrible to all of u.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/20/2009 12:09:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
i will miss all of you..huhu
1st of all...
congratulation to all of my friend cause we all made an excellent work in our drama..
you'll are the best...awesome performance..hihi..i like it a lot..
although we have some mistake but i think its normal..everyone made a mistake right?
mucid aka are so funny when you have no feeling on your face..haha(this is a wrong sentences, so don't use it on your essays)
thanks to su cause she makeup my face..although it is not so good..but i still appreciate her..hoho
my scriptwriter partner,najmi aka Alan's father..thanks to you too..he always call me when i'm late for practice drama or whatever..hahaha=p..he is the 1st person that i know on my 1st day in the class.. if i not mistaken..hoho..
to sapik,ajim,man,ijam,abg rizal n'll made a good job too..well done guys
to comments..haha..just kidding.. you'll done a good job..
not to forget our teacher, miss n and madam sharifah..
i'm so enjoyed in your class..i think 4 hours a day is not enough..hoho
miss both of you..hihi
so to my classmates, good luck for the exam..try your the best and get the best can make a difference..
peter aka en.amir
don't forget to upload our photo on your fb..hahaha=p
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 10:50:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: A123498
change now
The changes is better start now. Normally student reading paper are similar but now changes with writing long compositions is not something most of us do in daily lives. We can write blog, letter, reports or memo to friends. The opportunities to writing longer pieces like stories, descriptions or articles. For me this are good starting to improve the English skill for future.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 09:30:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A121499
~Last But not Least~by Habibi al-solehin::A123856::
to all my friends..
first of all..
i want to apologise..if i always make a mistake to all of you...
i always disturb him..because his character is so funny..
you know..blur2..hehehehehehhee...
i also want to thank to kak azmah..for treat us eat satay kajang..todaY..
thank you very much ye akak...heheheh..
for our team set 6....we are the best among the best..
our drama is good today..because we have a cute cinderella...right..hehehehhehehe.. your best in your final exam..
thank's to all of you..i love my friends..
set 6 is the best..chayok..chayok...;-)
Habibi al-solehin
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 08:54:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Habibi al-solehin ( A123856)
request please....
hai all my friends i'm so glad because today our drama doing so far so good...
thanks to everybody..
i juz want to request somebody who's have taken our group photo
thnk u...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 07:26:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: A120090
set 6 is the best...
Good luck to all my friends for exam…since we had finishing this course I hope our friendship will not finish too....I am so happy being friends with all of you...and definitely I will remember the memories that we had together…thank you to all lecturers that had taught us…set 6 is so special because being teaching by several different lecturer…all of them are very dedicated and committed with their job…I will never forget all the advices that you giving to me…and not forget madam Sharifah, I am starting missing your joke and your stories…
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 07:18:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: M.J (A119654)
end of course
hye friends..huhuhuhu..
after this, we will be miss to each other..
i feel so happy can join you all in this class,
i hope that after this we will still contact to each other,
i feel the time is not enough with you all,
but what can we do,
this time is so jealous to us..hehehe..
hmm.. i hope all of you can forgive me for what ever mistake that was i made..
thanks and good luck..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 06:39:00 PM 5 comments
Labels: ijam..a117678
listening lesson...............
Listening lesson are good for everybody .Listening must have student have a question and discussion all time. For develop listening skills student must be start clarifying with the lecture or teacher. The good listening preparation is try listen song or radio and understand with wrote what the script. When do every day about 10 to 15 min. You can become a good listening and have quality in you self.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 05:41:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A121499
The contract A121499
You all remember the contract at first day come to class foundation English. Follow the contract at now everybody have something different about the English skill. It are good because we all have improve the communication and the ways is have courageous to speak English any time. I hope after this don’t forget whatever the lecture Puan Sharifah and Miss N teach in the 6 week. But now the contract must be do new or change about 1 year to future. When you all try very well about English and take seriously I believe you will get best student all time.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 02:47:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: sha
Good Cooperation A121499
Today is finishing the presentation of drama. I am very happy because all students give all support for conduct this presentation. I look all study not have tension or fed up along drama to progress. It are very good because all member in set 6 have interested to do very well. Now hope next time we all can be make corporation like now from 2 week ago. The drama is good or bad isn’t important but the learning process in build up the knowledge is very good.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 02:01:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A121499
exam is important A121499
Once you decided which exam you intend to take . You have find need an exam preparation. You must have time and friend to do your discussion for coming exam . when you are ready , you not worry about exam time. Now the exam is very important to everyone and all student want a good result whatever exam they take. So you must be study hard and all out to preparation about this. Good luck everybody in set 6 for final exam foundation English on 22 jun. ok bye
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 01:50:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A121499
I miss this blog...
Tomorrow will be our last meet as a foundation set 6 team. I know from that time I'll gonna miss you guys.. Even I'm the oldest in this class, every of you are very cool and do respect me. Makes me feel comfortable and sometime makes me feel young too :-). I hope all of you can get a good results in every semester.
The letcurer was very good in teaching, and its was quite interesting to have 5 letcurer in 12 days. One thing I clearly put in my mind an advice from our letcurers that we must and read books to improve our english. And for Miss N, I do enjoy the songs 'When If' by Coldplay, and begining from today I will listen and write down a lyric with my own and try not to search a lyric from google anymore.
For all seniors, don't forget a tips from Mdm Sharifah when you apply a job..hopefully you guys will get a good job with a high sallary.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/19/2009 12:36:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: A121506
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Good Luck!!! ( A123835)
Hi friends! how are you now??
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 11:53:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A123835
now......what actually i want to sAy for this time....???because it's a last just want to say to you all good luck for the examination and for drama...wish we all can stick together in the future.......thanks.....last,last..heheheh..before i forgot hopefully you all can make a good job on exam and get a A for foundation english......thats all...daaaaaa
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 09:17:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: ( A 124746 )
No title.............=)
;) smile before continue 'merepek' here
Why does the time go quickly???Do you agree?
We had been together only for 6 weeks, but I think that we had a great time together,right?
We were really enjoyed this foundation class and even we know each other for short period of time but I'm really happy to friend with all of you...we still can create a friendly environment even we come from different state and different course...
Today was our last class and we end this class with enjoyable activity that was listening to music and singing together..........yes,we were very happy right ??!
I still can remember the first time meeting when start know each other from our first activity that was introduced our friends....and that day we had wrote a English Learning Contract...Do you still remember??Don't forget the contract ok..hehe..especially the last sentence 'if I achieve my goals,I will reward myself with.......................................' =)
Last but not least, best of luck for final exam and drama tomorrow.....thumbs up to all of us for cooperative that we gave....
All of us will be back home next week,so be Careful in way to back home............your family must be waiting for you!!
Where we come from?
(hmm..ada lg ke??)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 08:40:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: - A 123501-
maybe last post....mie ~a118298~
hai everyone...hurmm...
I'm just to tell that we are nearly finish our sad,very very sad....just look like we just begin this short sem.....hurmmm,..
I hope tomorrow we will do our best performance for our and actress...please make the real action,,,not just remember the script..huhu...just to remind you all...
And last one is i want to say good luck to you all for the Drama tomorrow and for the final our best!!!chayok2....after all had finished..we all can continues our remaining,if we meet again i hope all of you must realize or remember me...alan's father
if someone or anybody one want my contact,this is my email :
Huhu....just add me..i never forget our group,SET 6 LAVENDER....... and our lectures...they are very very good....i never forget what they say.....=.=
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 07:39:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: (so many poyo's )..hihihi
show time tommorow!!
hello to all my lovely friends in set 6
no matter HOW hard it is we gonna do our best tomorrow because
time flies faster until i didn't realize that this semester almost finish
remember to come early at 7.30am tmorow!!
thanks to all for come this afternoon rehearsal
i want to apologies here if i have made or say something hurt your guys heart
during the practice drama.
i'm glad that each everyone of you giving support to each other because
united we stand!!
good luck exam
thanks to all
i'm glad having opportunity working with you all!!
and who want to be my facebook friends plz add me at glorya manja
thanks again!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 07:10:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A120090
....just only one class left...huhu....i'm happy to come back my hometown..huhu...but....ehemmmmmmmmmm....there's something!!!!!...i'm feel that i will "loss something"
call "friends"...uhuhu..huk3....sad.....uhuk3
......emm...thanks a lot friends being my friends....although just for a while...but perhaps that our friendship will not end until here k!!!!....
.....i like you all!!!!....
....i'm not scare to loss you but i'm scare to loss our memories together,......uhu!!!!!!...
....because we still can contact each other......but our memories can't be contact anymore if we were loss "them".............
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 01:52:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: aPple_Qarz..A124788
Grab and Deal!
Ohh Buddy...
I almost sleepy actually. But my idea to wite in this entry never stop. So.. what to say.. Just to share my eager time. What's thattt???
Actually i will join my fried's trip to United Kingdom this december. I'll be there for three weeks during our holiday. Huh... I really excited to go there. My friend will make an atttachment at manchester University for three months. She is PhD student, and will make her research at Manchester University. Due that, I had make some plan with other two friends to visit UK during semester break.
I already search in internet regarding the places that we can visit. Besides UK, we plan go to Paris, venice, and few places around there.
Everyday, during news, I always see the weather at London and never miss the currency rates. last night, in news show that 1 pound equal to RM 5.81. Ahh... very expensive. My friend told me that ever reached 1 pound equal RM 7.00. Oh... A lot of money need it.
Emmm i have no patience to go to UK this december. based on the current issues, i really hope that H1N1 desease wil fully cured that time.
** if you have an opportunity to travel, make yourself there. See through all the God creatures and learn how to appreciate them. Wish you all have an opportunity like me.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 01:47:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: A121506
The best 'Roti John' I ever Had
Hi my friends...
Now, I want talk about food again. But not strawberry, and not about fruit at all. Anybody love 'roti john'? Well I am one of them! however, i never know where the 'roti john' got name? Anybody know the history of roti john? Well if you know about it, just put in your comment. I'll waiting!
Well, actually i dont want mumble about the history of roti john, but I want to tell you where to get the the very delicious roti john. I am sure that you'll never regret it. Just come to Putrajaya, then you can get the very famous roti John. okay the first location that you can get roti john is at Taman warisan, presint 16. That was one of the very nice and lovely food court at putrajaya. The second place that roti john waiting for you is at presint 9 food court. That were few menu that you will find regretted if not trying it. They are nasi beriani and mee rebus.
The third pace that you can find roti john is at pasar malam at preseint 2, putrajaya. The pasar malam held on tuesday and friday every week. Usually peaple need to que up to get roti john cause everyone want to buy it. Well, that was including me..
So how? just feel hungry? Hmmmm why dont you try it.. Enjoy roti john!!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 01:24:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: A121506
Sports Injury
hi guys
Anybody ever injured during sports? I am sure that somebody ever had that. Well, it happened to me too. that was during my secondary school. I was one of the hockey team player. Ah.. that time students know the hockey player. We were very popular among them. Emmm.... lovely time.
My teammate and I ever represent Perak state for hockey tournament. Even though we never champions all the time, my hockey team always got a good stage. Due to my full commitment in hockey, i never give up when I always injured hit by hockey stick. My knee ever hit hockey stick during games. At that time i never concern that. I just let my knee healed itself.
Currently, when I already left hockey games many years time, my knee gave a bad sign. I cannot ride stairs like before. My knee keep pain all the time when I move to high area. Even I cannot standing longer time. Its make me worried actually. Now i just realize that never put yourself in danger when you play sports. make sure that you cared your injured properly cause the side effect of the injury will harm your future life.
However, never hate sports!! But handle it with careful. You enjoy sports, you got healthy body.. have a nice day!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 12:52:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: A121506
Hi...Its me again!
I just wanna to share with of my favorite fruit when I went to Cameron Highlands. I am sure that most of you ever went there, right? For those who never been there, I hope you'll be have an opportunity to be there someday. Okay, what synonims with Cameron? Of couse strawbery, one of the expensive fruit at supermarket. But you can get the best price at cameron. Do you know that strawbery taste delicious if you put some cream, castor sugar and honey?
Huh...yummy... I never miss eat that when I went there. For those who are planning to go to cameron in short time, put this menu on your food list. Okay? But dont be sad if you still dont have a chance to try it at cameron, you still can make it on your own. We can get strawberry at supermarket, then buy cream, sugar and honey. You can share with your friends to budget it.
Hey... you can ask me to join you!! I'll be there... yummy....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/18/2009 12:24:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: A121506
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
How English Important To You...... my experience
Hi everybody
This time I want to share my experience to be questioned by police at Tokyo, Japan. I had been there last two years, and that was my second time in Japan. It happened around 8.00 pm while my friends and I walking to shop. That was first time where three of us walking at night. Before reached to the shop, there were two policemans standing the passerby area and watching at us. We try to make it normal and not too panic. However, that policemans came to us and start questioned us in Japanese. My friend try to explain to them in english and show our passport. However, that policemans keep on asking in Japanese and their face show unsatisfied. I am panic that time cause anything can happened to us. Due to the policemans cannot speak english, than one of my friend talk in japanese and explained to the policemans obout our visit to japan. Huh suddenly the polibcemans smile and welcome us. They let us continue our walk to shop and move away. Okay, what i want to share here is, keep on learning english, dont give up and make sure we can talk fluently someday. Dont let any foreigner underestimate us because of languange barrier. Good luck!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/17/2009 11:58:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A121506
British English VS Malaysian English
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/17/2009 10:35:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: A117358
my own recipe
Here are the ingredients for today's dishes (chili leave, chicken meat, japanese taufu, onion...)
Deep fried chicken before added with butter cream ( I used crispy flour to make it taste nicer)
Finally! Done! Butter Cream Chicken~ (Without any helps~ I cooked it by myself)
Japanese Taufu with chicken meat
l time favourite >>> Onion Eggs
I love to cook!
Why did I cook for my friends and family? That's no reason and I just like to cook anf I would be happy to see my friends and family eating the dishes I cook~
Sorry that I couldn't take many photos of it because I was very busy cooking my dishes~ Haha.. I'm glad that my friends said the butter cream chicken was very delicious!!! It's my first time of cooking this dish! Yeah~
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/17/2009 10:19:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: A117358
share the good song with you all...
Lifehouse - Blind
I was young but I wasn't naive
I watched helpless as you turned around to leave
And still I have the pain I have to carry
A past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried
After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
Never thought we'd be here
When my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
I would fall asleep
Only in hopes of dreaming
That everything would be like it was before
But nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
They disappear as reality is crashing to the floor
After all this why
Would you ever wanna leave it
Maybe you could not believe it
That my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you will ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
you all can go see the mtv in this link...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/17/2009 10:11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A117358
Women, means a lot of woman. Thanks wen jun.
I realized that women can be quite strong, or ignorant, or plain stupid. I know few characters that i know i'll never have the strength to live in their heels.
One, is married. She's living alone with two dogs and one of the sons that's jobless at the age of 30+. Her husband cheated on her, to be with a richer younger women. According to her, the husband initially wanted to cheat back some money but the adulteress won't let him go. Now the husband only comes back secretly behind the other lady's back to see her and the dogs. How could anyone live with this? Surely not me if i'm the adulteress who supports the jobless husband. Not me too, if i'm the lady. Is this really love, or being strong?
Two more, is attached (not married) to a same guy. Sleeps in the same bed with the men in between, and watches as either one is excluded from sex. Or perhaps they have a threesome. Which is even more unlucky, cause both are unlikely to orgasm unless they are really good at it. I don't know. Neither one of them are willing to let go, and the men wants to keep both. Are they really happy? Now they're both pregnant, and the men could only marry one. So he isn't doing anything.
Women could go a long way when they love, or when no one tells them to get out. Perhaps some are smart, and that's because they haven't really fell, in love. It's a chagrin as i see it. A total disappointment due to how we fail to handle our emotions, and separate passion from reality. Till the day some die, women probably have neglected everything best for themselves and lived in pain, because what's best for themselves has long been replaced with what makes him the most happy the moment they fell.
It could be a good thing, because they might not found out what more better things in life they can have if they hadn't give up everything for the man. In their grave, what goes on most definitely is "This was how life treated me, as long as he's happy i'm happy". Well dead women, there's no way you could read this now but someone should have pulled you out of the terrible sacrifices you made. A friend, or someone you hate. Not God i guess, because He's all about loving and giving. The only problem is, you're the only one loving and giving.
Some are lucky, to have their strict mothers forcing them to marry someone far richer than the poor chap they're loving. But in their mind and hearts, it is still that chap pondered upon day and night. Differences are simply much much better things in life, and happier parents. Less happy for the women of course unless she don't love the chap that much compare to fine things.
Aah. Enlightened.
We are doomed once we really love.
So there isn't a way out?
Of course there is, love someone who loves you more with all your heart. Imagine that. Must be whole lot of love. But then, he could be controlling.
This sums up to nothing, a chasing after the wind.
Silly me for thinking so much, silly you for reading till here.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/17/2009 10:06:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A117358
just for fun..hihi
Just to make you smiles..hihi
i have some pictures that i have from my pc..
my frenz always talk aboout it when they saw it..
so check this out...hihi...peace!!
hahaha....hope you will enjoy it..
so see you in the class tomorrow...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/17/2009 05:36:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A123498
Creative Ads in Unusual Places-kurok(A117773)
Just want to share with u all...


Posted by lavender_6 at 6/17/2009 05:16:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A117773
let's shuffle...hoho
Maybe many people wonder what is shuffle dance?
The shuffle dance..was originally a Malaysian tribal dance, but recently teenagers have adapted it as a street dance.
There are lots of "Shuffe Competitions" that are held..either in a big stadium..or on a street..usually in the city centre' we always saw in TV perhaps..hihi
for your knowledge this shuffle dance are mostly popular at Australia and it is known as "The Melbourne Shuffle".
Movement of this shufflers is need to sliding to the left or right and then back and forth. When performed well, shufflers can seem to be gliding across the floor seemingly defying friction.
Shuffling on Spot is used for different reasons. A Shuffler using this step can keep energy for a few moments prior to a change in beat and pattern of music. A Shuffler may step back and allow another dancer to take centre stage meanwhile shuffling on Spot. Arm movements come into play more often while in this step as it allows the dancer to express a connection with the music as to the beat with the feet.’s quite fun you know
if you want to know, shuffle in a triangular pattern is a very energetic step which can be performed with great style…try it, maybe you will love it..hihi
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/17/2009 04:15:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A123498
TwO dAyS LeFt...
hye guys...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/17/2009 03:35:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A123035 **cHiBbY**
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
ESZ camp.
Last Friday, I have participated with English Speaking Zone (ESZ) camp at Port Dickson.
My friends and I arrived there around 2.50 pm and stayed at Golden Straits Villa. The programme had started with ice breaking at 3.00 pm. We have to present our group logo, cheer and introduce group members. It was interesting to see how creative the participants do their cheers and logo. After that we have a game named After Words. The facilitator gives us word like Excellent, than we need to think another word which is begin with T. These will be continuously; if someone can’t give any words they lose in this game. Maybe someday we can play in our class. It’ quiet fun. On that night, we have Tongue Twisters slot.
The next day, there is some slots was quiet boring. It’s doesn’t matter some people enjoy it. We have to do meeting in English and present our meeting minutes. There is one slot that we need to pretend as CEO. After having a lunch, we prepared for drama and karaoke for that night.On that night we had a BBQ. My group sang ‘Oh Fatima’ in English lyrics and for drama we had performed in romantic category.
On the last day, we are having a public speaking in some interesting topics such as Why girls like pink and My 15 minutes of fame. Than we have game name Creative Sentences which is similar as the game before. We checked out after lunch. This programme was fun. I learned many new and bombastic words, be confident to talk in English even in broken English. Friends, if there is any English camp u should go and don’t be shame to talk in broken English. We have to practise it to make it fluently.
That’s all that I can share with u all. :]
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/16/2009 11:57:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: by A125211
Advantages And Disadvantages of Travelling By Car
Travelling by car has many advantage. First of all, we can go anywhere we want using car. If we compare using bus, bus only bring us to station bus not to the right location that we want. Also, using car, we get some privacy where we can do what we want. For example, if we need go to toilet, we no need to get a permission. we just find a R&R or anywhere that we can stop. On the other hand, whatever we want do in the car, nobody will angry with you.
However, travelling by car also has some disadvantages. Firstly, if we want go somewhere in a group, using car is not the best vehicle. Secondly, travel by car, usually we will trap in trafic jam expecially in a town. For example, when we go to Kuala Lumpur or go back village for Hari Raya, if we don't have luck, we will trap in traffic jam not for a short time but maybe more than two hour.
Despite the disadvantages, I prefer travelling by car to travelling by bus because we can get more privacy.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/16/2009 11:40:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A118100
durian...wah!!!!..yummy..yummy.... very cheap...huhu..when you go to market or at stall...huhu..
the sound like this "murah..murah..murah!!!!!....3 1o ....3 1o".....huhu....
means ~~~3for rm 1o...very cheap...BUT...
....i'm not prefer to buy durian as cheaper as we can not have know..."cop sirim" about the good test of durian...huhu....last night i bought durian two for rm 23...aha!!!....sound might be expensive..aha!!!'s very delicious...sweet!!!!...the colour was yellow!!!...wowwwww...delicious....emmmm...i'm not regret it....i like it...i love it...uhummmm.....durian always in my heart!!!..aha!!!!!...and extra sweet when i ate durian with my beloved person...yaHoOo.!!!!..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/16/2009 10:49:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: aPple_Qarz..A124788
The Climb
The Climb is the title for the song by Miley Cyrus...this song is actually in the movie hannah when the first time i heard this song it's not bad...the's cool..then i search the lyric for this song.then i read and try to understand's tell us about a the climb...its not mean we must climb but it's mean that we have to strive(berusaha)...i like the part of this lyric that say "but there's voice inside my head saying, you'll never reach it" this lyirc it's same like everyone,when we dont get the solution we just let it..not try to settle's just what i know about this if you all want to know more or want to listen to this all can search it....i knew all my member in this blog know where we can search this song...hope you all enjoy it....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/16/2009 07:15:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: ( A 124746 )
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/16/2009 10:32:00 AM 6 comments
Labels: A123035 **cHiBbY**
Brazil vs Egypt.....mie a118298
Result....Brazil 4 vs Egypt 3....
Yesterday night,Brazil..the 5's world champion nearly draw with Egypt because..two goal from Egypt made their fan become nervous....only two minutes they made it draw with Brazil into 3-3 after they lose at the first half 3-1.
This unbelievable goal came at 54 and 55 minute......but they made a mistake and one of their player made fault at penalty spot and Brazil got penalty shot at the critical time,90 minute....lastly they won....
hurmmmm....How or when Malaysian's team can be good as Egypt?????
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/16/2009 06:53:00 AM 0 comments
The Meaning Of SARAH
Today, while I'm doing some excercises from my niece book (actually it's a english book for primary school, hehehe...) I found a short story from the comprehension section. It's quite interesting for me and I likes to share the story with others.
The Meaning of Sarah
There was once a little girl named Sarah. She did not like her name at all. She wished that it was Annie, Janet, Betsy or some other name but Sarah.
One day she asked her mother. "Why is my name Sarah, mother?"
"Well, we named you after your Aunt Sarah," answered her mother.
A few days later Aunt Sarah paid them a visit. "Aunt Sarah, why were your name Sarah?" asked the little girl. That made Aunt Sarah smile.
"I asked my mother the same question when I was your age," she said. "You see, I did not like my name either. But when my mother told me that Sarah is another word for Princess, I decided that it was not a bad name after all."
"You know Aunt Sarah, now I feel the same way too" said Sarah with a smile.
And now I'm proud too, because Miss Director give me a task to act as a Sarah in our drama.... hihihi
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/16/2009 12:35:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: A121506
Monday, June 15, 2009
The advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car
Travelling by car has many advantages. First of all, we can see amazing view along the ways. We can also using alternative ways to go to destination. For example, we can use highway or others streets to avoid traffic jam. On the other hand, we can enjoy travelling by taking photos fantastic view and we can have privacy to talk among family.
However, travelling by car also has some disadvantages. Firstly, the car must use right ways to go to correct destination. For example, the driver when in metropolitan city should alert with signboards because if use wrong way will take waste time and money to the destination. Secondly, the car that using for travelling must in a good condition. Thus, the car should services which burden our cost.
Despite the disadvantages, we prefer travelling by car to travelling by plane because we feel more enjoyable when reach the destination.
A117633 -Mursyrif
A117773 -Syafiq
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 11:03:00 PM 0 comments
Traveling by bus is more interesting compare with other transport of traveling. First of all, bus is much cheaper. Also, bus is very comfortable for long traveling. When we use bus, we can know each other. On the other hand, in our traveling we can get new friend. We also can choose our own time to travel like our own transport because bus has many trips per day. So, we don’t need to worry about time. For example, we can choose to travel in any time we like.
However, choosing bus also has own disadvantages.Firstly, we probably involve with some dangerous situation if the driver not drive carefully.
Secondly, we must plan early about our travel because we must buy ticket early before the ticket sold out especially in school holiday.
Despite the advantages, we prefer travelling by bus because we feel that it easy facility to seek and most of people use this facility.
eda (A124746)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 10:35:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: ( A 124788 and A 124746 )
The advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane
Travelling by plane has many advantages. First of all, plane are fast than car and more comfortable. You can also set your time to go anywhere you like. For example, you can save your time and do another things that more important. On other hand, you can get extra service while travelling by plane.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 10:14:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A123035
The advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane
Most of people like to travel any place.Travelling by plane has many advantages.Air travel is one of the fastest way of travelling on our planet.For example,when travelling to the same destination,a ship can take monthly while a plane will only take hours.Obviously,speed is the number one advantage for travelling in an air plane.Also,temperatures are kept to a comfortable level,entertainment may be available.You can choose to listen music,watch videos and others on an air plane.The level of comfort also depends on the type of seats that you have bought tickets.However,it is very fast and comfortable kind of travelling,good services,100% relax and this flying is fun for the passengers.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 08:37:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A123835 and A122098
The Advantage And Disadvantage Of Travelling By Car
Travelling by car has many advantages. First of all, we can go some place by door to door. You can also manage your own time you like to travel anywhere. For example, you can arrive to your destination on time. On the other hand, you can stop anywhere you like when you feel tired or want to buy something.
Travelling by car can also has some disadvantage. Firstly, you have to spend very much money on petrol and "tol". Secondly, you will fell boring and tired when have a long journey. For example, when have traffic jams on road, it will take some more time to reach the destination.
Despite the disadvantage, I prefer travelling by car to travelling by train because I can enjoy driving my own car and have wonderful trip
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 08:36:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A124476 and A118023
Forgive oR Forget
What do you think about forgive and forget.
It is easier to forgive or forget??
I believe everyone must face the situation whether to forget about something that happen or to forgive the person that make it happen.
Maybe you may never want to forget 'that things' because it make pain in your heart ,but sometime you must forget and forgive it to move on.
My friend ever told me that girl easy to forgive but difficult to forget, but man easy to forget but difficult to forgive.It's true??
Emm..for me,it is depend on you. How you can face that situation without cause your heart so much misery ( lyric because of you =) ) an ordinary person, I can forgive everything that happen but I'll never forget because I never want it happen again. ='(
p/s why we take so much time to forget huh??
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 08:15:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: A123510
The advantages and Disadvantages having a holiday abroad...
Having a holiday abroad has many advantages.First of all,we can get a valueable experiences and see other cultures from different countries.Also,we can add our knowledge when visiting the historical amazing places.For example,the Pyramid,The china great wall and the death sea.On the hand,we can learn other languages and practise to speak english fluently.
However,going holiday abroad also has some is waste a lot of money when we travel oversea and to find halal food is difficult.Secondly,we have to faced if the flight is delay and this is not door to door traveling.For example,in our country,we have many beautiful places such as in sabah at sempoerna and also have many beautiful beach in terengganu,langkawi and there are many places are there.
Despite the disadvantages,i prefer having a holiday abroad because i like to travel around the world and see many people in various type.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 06:28:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A123856 and A125211
wake up from our sleep.
prepare to go to Pusanika. for the drama practice.
we meet there, do some prop. evethough there has someone came late (he said sorry to everyone).
what are u doing before that?
maybe some of them go to class.
some from them again,from their college then straight to Pusanika.
after that???
sleep?class again??do some assigment?mid valley??
we just do based on what we want to do. thats how our life rolls everyday.
life is like earth. always spins then come again to beginning.
thats mean, today will be not the same like yesterday and also tomorrow.
we cannot changes yesterday. but we can changes tomorrow.
tomorrow always depends on YOU!!!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 05:17:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: a117633
Sunday 11th May 2003. Saw him in the evening and he was acting really strangely.
I went shopping in the afternoon with the girls and I did turn up a bit late so I thought it might be that. The bar was really crowded and loud so I suggested we go somewhere quieter to talk.
He was still very subdued and distracted so I suggested we go somewhere nice to eat. All through dinner he just didn't seem himself; he hardly laughed, and didn't seem to be paying any attention to me or to what I was saying. I just knew that something was wrong.
He dropped me back home and I wondered if he was going to come in; he hesitated, but followed. I asked him again if there was something the matter but he just half shook his head and turned the television on.
Sunday 11th May 2003. My football team lost today. I'm Gutted. Got a f#*k though!'s so different..girl vs boy
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 04:17:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A124476
about the account..
hye there..
i think we need to collect money about rm2 more..
so who doesn't paid rm2 at last friday, you need
to pay rm4 tomorrow and who was paid at friday
just need to pay rm2 for tomorrow..thanks..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 03:49:00 PM 5 comments
Labels: a117678
The advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car
Travelling by car has many advantages. First of all, we can move more quickly from one place to another.Also, we don't have to waste our time and wait for a bus. For example, if we want to go to the hospital we do not need to go to the bus station and wait. On other hand, we can travel wherever and whenever we want.
However, travelling by car also has some disadvantages. Firstly, travelling by car is not very comfortable for a driver because he cannot relax, he has to to be careful all the time. Secondary, travelling by car is dangerous too. For example, there is too much risk to crashes on the road and we should be more careful and sensible.
Despite the disadvantages, i prefer travelling by car to travel by plane because i feel more relaxed when i reach my destination.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 03:48:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A124327 and A123498
travelling by train..a117678 & a118298
Travelling by train has many advantages. First of all it can reduce the quantity of car at the road then it can our road become more free and can reduce the one of the factor of global warming that is carbon monoxide gases. On the other hand when we travel by a train we can enjoy our journey because we no need to focus to drive so it will make our travelling become more fun. When we travel by a train we also can add our own friends because there are many people that we can meet in the train. Other than this when we travel by train we can save our money because we no need to fulfil a petrol, pay a toll etc.
By the way there also have some disadvantages. Firstly when we travel by train we can’t travel on our own time but we need to follow the time of the train. Secondly when we use a train we can’t arrive to our destiny directly but we need to take the addition transport like taxi and it will waste our time. Thirdly sometime there is many people’s use it and it make a crowded to get inside and it will become the advantages to the pick pockets.
we prefer to travelling by train because there we can see anything and we will feel more relaxing.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 03:46:00 PM 0 comments
Advantages and disadvantages holiday
Holiday in my own country.One day I go to Langkawi Island . first I drive from Seremban to Kuala Perlis. Arrive at Kuala Perlis I take a ferry to Kuah town in Langkawi. I stay at sea view hotel in Kuah town. At Langkawi I go to cable car, beras terbakar and water world. I very happy because many advantages in holiday in my own country. Firstly where I go to visit the place I saw many people like me is Malaysia people so can’t have problem with the communication. Second my budget for holiday very cheap. Third more knowledge and information in my country I get. I’ll know about lifestyle in place and culture. Other reason can use car, train and ferry to complete your travelling.
Disadvantages is couldn’t see other place out of Malaysia. You will don’t know what are interesting about other country between Malaysia. Other thing can’t see the different culture and people.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 05:20:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: A121499
Advantages and disadvantages holiday
Holiday in my own country.One day I go to langkawi island . First I drive from Seremban to Kuala Perlis. Arrive at Kuala Perlis I take a ferry to kuah town in Langkawi. I stay at sea view hotel in kuah town. At langkawi I go to cable car, beras terbakar and water world. I very happy because many advantages in holiday in my own country. Firstly where I go to visit the place I saw many people like me is Malaysia people so can’t have problem with the communication. Second my budget for holiday very cheap. Third more knowledge and information in my country I get. I’ll know about lifestyle in place and culture. Other reason can use car, train and ferry to complete your travelling.
Disadvantages is couldn’t see other place out of Malaysia. You will don’t know what are interesting about other country between Malaysia. Other thing can’t see the different culture and people.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/15/2009 05:11:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: A 121499 and A 125211
Sunday, June 14, 2009
MIRROR ( A 123835)
Hi there!!!
How are you today?i hope you all very well.
=) Do you know about a mirror?
I think most of girls like a mirror.hehehe..
This is true because i'm girl too.oppss!!hehe..
So,i would like to say i like a mirror.I can see my face when i have a mirror.
I'm really sure,most of people have a mirror in their house because it is very important for human.we can see anything if we have a mirror.For example,our face,body,hair and more.Right?hehe..
Okey..thats all.Before i'm forget,i want remember you again,"a mirror is very important in our life".Just think it!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/14/2009 11:53:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: A 123835
advantages VS disadvantages
Travelling by car has many advantages. First of all, cars are comfortable. You can also control and spend the time as you like. For example, you can stop by your car at different places that you would like to go. On the other hand, you do not need to travel at certain times and cars can take you from door to door.
However, travelling by car also has disadvantages. Firstly, it is expensive and sometime you will feel very tire on your journey. Secondly, it is take more time to travel at certain places. For example, you will faces to stressful with traffic jams.
Despite the disadvantages, I prefer travelling by car to travelling by train because I feel more freedom on the journey to reach my destination.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/14/2009 09:06:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A120090 and A117358
information drama
hai to everyone
i use this blog to give you all some information regarding ours drama
actors please remember your script!
props master please come also. if you people see others set props you might be jealous
they really put in effort to do their props...if compare to us...we just..i don't no how to described la here. so please, props masters make improvement
move on...
who's gonna be acting to animals and ghosts in scene 4, tmrow at 11.30 sharp at pusanika! plz come bcoz we gonna practice that part begging you all.
actually we suppose to practice today...but everybody for that part didn't come...i'm so sad actually...plz i need co=operation from you all
for whom have come today thanks you very much..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/14/2009 05:47:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A120090
10 couple stuffs
Couple underwear
Couple handphone accessory
Couple watch
Couple pillow
Couple jacket
couple key chain
couple caps
couple necklace
couple slipper
couple cups
hahahaha....all these couple stuffs are very interesting and nice....
hope u all like it....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/14/2009 04:30:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: A117358
Pictures of sunrise
i like to see sunrise...
it is very nice and beautiful...
when i see sunrise, i feel so happy and it will help me to release tension...
u all like to see sunrise...?
u can try it...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/14/2009 04:16:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: A117358
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Holiday Abroad
There are many advantages of Holiday abroad. First of all you can explore and see amazing places that you have never seen before at your own country. For example the amazing places are Niagara Falls between Ontario and New York, Stonehenge at Wiltshire, Egyptian Pyramids, Taj Mahal at India and so on. On the other hand you can experience different cultures from different countries, and try new things, and you even have chances to try different foods. You are going to have a good and quality holiday even for a short period of time.
However there are some disadvantages of holiday abroad. Firstly travel abroad is expensive, so that you had to spend a lot of money. Secondly there are a different culture, a different language and different foods. So you need to prepare your self with some kind of things for example the languages, the foods and even your mind. Despite the advantages I prefer holiday abroad to holiday in my own country because I love my own country.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/14/2009 01:03:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A119654 and A121506
hye there..
nothing to write..hehehe..just a simple statement..
okay as we was here our life is like a wheel,
where sometime we are at the top and sometime at the bottom,
if we at the top, don't feel that we are the best compare to other,
but look at down and take some to prepare if we go down to the bottom,
when we at the bottom,
don't think we are weak and surrender,
but take it to up wake up our spirit to get the top..
hehehe...nothing else..if i has any idea i will share with you all at the other time,
good luck and smile always..
by ijam...a117678
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/14/2009 12:32:00 PM 0 comments
Tallest building -bdk-(A124327)
i want share info about the tallest buildings:

Posted by lavender_6 at 6/14/2009 11:09:00 AM 3 comments
Optical Illusions... -kurok (A117773)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/14/2009 01:34:00 AM 2 comments