Holidays abroad has many advantages.First of all,we can see many interesting places that different from our places. Also you can learn a new culture from different countries.For example, you can know their lifestyle, their foods or even how they communicate with each others.On the other hand, you can spend time to relax your mind from work, get more close to family when holidays together and of course you can get experiences and knowledge at the same time.
However, holidays abroad also has some disadvantages.Firstly,we will spend a lot of money for a short period of time and sometimes we can get into culture misunderstanding.Secondly,you can involve in plane crashes and waste more time to go some place.For example, we need help to go some place and spend time to find the right way to go there.
Despite the disadvantages, I prefer holidays abroad because I can learn many new things that different from our place.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The advantages and disadvantages of holidays abroad
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/13/2009 11:17:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A123501
First of all, travelling by plane has many advantages. There are no stressful traffic jams, and plane are fast and comfortable. Also, it can save your time and you also can use the time in different ways. For example, you can sit, read, have your meal, or just watch the world especially the sea from the window during the boarding time. On the other hand, the services is also good and all steward and stewardess are friendly.
However, by plane also has some disadvantages. Firstly, the ticket is too expensive and the plane is sometimes delayed. Secondly, you have to wait when you want to get back our baggages and you also have to travel at certain times because of the weather. Planes are also cannot take you from the door to door. For example, you need a bus or a taxi to take you to the airport. you also cannot use the electrical things such as handphone, laptop, and video game during the boarding time.
Despite to the disadvantages, I prefer travelling by car because it is cheap and I can drive by myself wherever i want to go.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/13/2009 06:07:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: A123565 and A125623
so........happy always..
sometimes,this life is as good as we think of,but thats are normal.
sometimes we happy and sometimes we sad.
for those who got a good result,congratulation to them and improve yourself
and for those who not doing well,do not feel sad.
all of you have done your best.
just try harder next time and dont give up...
always thinking of God and never give up to study in your life...
the most important is trust yourself that U CAN DO IT!!!
Nothing is impossible...................................JUST DO IT OKEY...
so....happy always k..(",)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/13/2009 05:44:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: A125623
drama progress
here are the picture of the props............
thank you for everybody who's come today
first of all, just to let you know here are ours props for ours drama goes to our props master team (sempat saya ambil gambar)
and sound manager and to our multimedia and to every body la
to ours actor good luck and do the best!!
set 6 you all ROCK!!!
miss director
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/13/2009 05:26:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A120090
i'm the finance controller of our drama group,
just want to warn you all..hehehe..
dont forget to pay rm2..
to props,
if you want some money
just tell me,
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/13/2009 04:12:00 PM 0 comments
just for rlex our mind...mie a118298
Assalamulaikum and hello everyone...
I want to share some funny pictures picture...a long time ago my friend sent me by an email....
That is more interesting and they are... you can see there....there are only human body...but on the floor you can see their shadow....=.= caring can see there...
GO GO GO.....FIRE IN THE HOLE....hahaha...just like they one to begin the war...
lastly,cute face in the world....hahaha....
I hope everyone enjoy it...there are not clear because this picture are so big...i cannot put it for the large one..huhuhu...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/13/2009 12:17:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: funny pic mie
hello everyone
today i would like to share about novels..
it is the interesting book that i really enjoy when read it
reading novel is one of my hobby during my free time
i think, maybe one of you also has same hobby like me right..
i can finish my reading a novel with 800 pages in only one day
how crazy i am about novel..huhu..
i have many collection of novel that i had buy from book store
or borrow from my friends..
i always share and exchange the novel when i had read with them
it was the best thing that i can do it when i'm get bored
i really love to read the novel that publish by Alaf 21
so.. if anyone of you have the same interested like me
we can share it..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/13/2009 10:24:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: A124476
life is music
i'm sure everyone loves to listen to can show someone feeling on that time. Either happy, sad..or maybe falling in love. I need music especially when i alone, to lose my sadness and stress...huhuu..
i also believe that everyone in this world need music. To forget their stress after works in daily day and to show their love to someone..hurm..many types of song refer to how a person soul.
For me, i'm so bored n very quiet without music..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/13/2009 09:47:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: A123565
Friday, June 12, 2009
MAke a DIsiCION......
Today I am really surprised when my friend suddenly told that she was made a decision to not continue her study at UKM.She got offer study in nursing from 'Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam'(SPA).
Actually,she is doing short sem in subject 'U2'.She is major in Physics.But she decided to stop her study here.Maybe she will get more chance to get job after finish her study in nursing than in Physics.
I feel so lost but as a friend I just pray that she will success in nursing and give her best service for society.I'm really proud of her and at the same time I hope our friendship is never end even I know her in short of time before...='(
dedicate to her..~*~from the bottom of my heart ='( ~*~
Knowing you is the best thing in my life,
Talking to you make me forget my sadness,
When you smile,I will smile too..
You must know that
I will not forget everything about you.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/12/2009 07:57:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A123501
salam n hello everyone..
today i want to share to all of you about my experiences during PLKN..
I did PLKN at Kem Bukit Saban Resort, Betong Sarawak..erm, the best thing
is that camp is very near to my house...hehe..its juz about one and half
so, i'll go home every holidays.At first, i didn't notice that join that
programme give us so many things..and experiences..also the courages to become
more confident in our life.
also., i got many experinces on adventures activities..such as canoe (even i dont know how to swim), abselling, and jungle tracking..all of this activities are so interesting to me..i cant forget that, when we doing the monkey rags, i always fall down to the water friends especially the boys always laugh to me..they think that i'm strong and my size is not too big, i can do it well, but its not. hurm, i'm not so strong like they think..
I also learn 'poco-poco' dance there..hehehe..i like that dance.On that time, i got so many roomate is about 30 trainees, and we all just like siblings,come from many races...Florida, Catherine..Farah..Asz..Jenny..i miss all of them..
i dont know when we can do the reunion..huhuu
For those who also did this programme..they know what i'm feeling now..i want to join that programme again!! haha but as a staff ..hhehe or maybe a camp commander..;))
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/12/2009 03:59:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A123565
Interesting place (A122098)
Assalamualaikum and very good evening...
How are you all?????
I hope you all always healthy.
I want to share about most interesting place in the world I want to go...
Hehehe...This is my dream from I childhood.
I hope my dreams become true..
Las Vegas, New York, and Paris are among my favorite places to visit. But my very favorite place to go for peace and quiet is Saturna Island.Saturna Island is located in the southern Gulf Islands of British Columbia, between Vancouver Island and the mainland of BC. The Saturna Island is a interesting and wonderful place to release tension...
I like it very much..
Although it’s one of the larger islands.
And as soon as you begin to look around, you realize you’re in a wonderfully different place.
You want to know more about it????
Let's go to surfing in internet...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/12/2009 02:25:00 PM 0 comments
GoD gRaNTs oNe wi$h....
A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. All of a sudden he said out loud, "Lord, grant me one wish." Suddenly the sky clouded above his head and in a booming voice the Lord said, "Because you have had the faith to ask, I will grant you one wish."
The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii, so I can drive over anytime I want to." The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic. Think of the logistics of that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific!
The concrete and steel it would take! I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of another wish, a wish you think would honor and glorify me."
The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord, I have been married and divorced four times. All of my wives said that I am uncaring and insensitive. I wish that I could understand women. I want to know how they feel inside, what they are thinking when they give me the silent treatment, why they cry, what they mean when they say "nothing" and how I can make a woman truly happy?
After a few minutes God said, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"
~~it's only a make we laugh
smile always =]
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/12/2009 01:41:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A124476
information for drama
here are some of the information for ours drama.
first of all congratulations to whom who's get new character and i'm sorry for some that i change.
move on...
ours drama practice will be held on the schedule here:
1)date: satuday 2)sunday 3)Monday 4)full rehearsal
time: 3pm 3pm 11.30am Tuesday 2pm
place: pusanika pusanika pusanika Kompleks Tun Abdullah Mohd.
P/s: please be punctual at the time that has given.
one more things,
please send your photo to Abdul Rahman at his email
please give your co-operation...and thanks to all for today
i am sorry if i do hurt or angry in my words and action
you know..i'm also not perfect.
miss director
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/12/2009 12:22:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A120090
be better than yesterday.
Hi my friends.
Most of us have checked their result.
There is smile on your face. Happy!
There is also unhappy face. Fed-up! Tension!
‘What wrong with me? I have try my best. Why don’t I have a gud result like others!’
Sometimes we may said this.
Friends don’t give up!
Maybe this not your time even u have put all your efforts on it.
God is always with u.
God sure give u gratuities what u have done one day.
Open a new book for this new sem.
The past we take as lessons.
Don’t make mistake again and said the same things on the future.
For happy faces.
Don’t feel so comfortable.
Maintain your efforts and result.
And be better than that.
Hope today is better than yesterday.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/12/2009 07:56:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: by A125211
Future is about time.
Time is about a 'space' that always running.
In our life, time always be with us.
Only we didnt noticed its.
What ever we do, its always record video camera.
What are you doing rite now?
Its will satisfied you in future?
not regret??
For me,
whatever we do;
playing dota Mie?online at facebook??chating at ym??jogging with your friends??
shoping with bibik??acting like allan,sarah,peter,nora,allan's parents,pocong,zombie,
elephant,tiger,lion etc,,,,,
we must not regret it.
cause life is enjoying for me.
maybe sometimes we do bad things,but there will have 'moral stories' in that stories.
we live always in future.we cant go back on what have we done.we only can smile to it.
thats all.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/12/2009 01:20:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: a117633
Thursday, June 11, 2009
J.K Rowling????? ( A123835)
Do you know about British author, i mean J.K Rowling??
Of course you know about her very well..right???hehehe..
J.K Rowling is a amazing author.I said that because, she was written a lots of book about Harry Potter..
I like this character, i mean Harry Potter.He is a orphan boy. Actually, he is a wizard because his parents are wizard too.His father name James Potter and his mother name Lilly Potter. Harry Potter has two best friends.His best friend name's Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger.They are students in the boarding school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and interesting story...i would like to say, harry Potter is a best character because he is amazing boy.
So. i hope you're like this character,Harry Potter too.hehe..That'all....okey..bye!!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 10:27:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A123835
how your result????
this is the first question my friend ask
when i arrive at class this morning..
i look around and see everyone in good mood
i think maybe they all get the better result
how my result???
my result not so good at all
not like my wish before
so sad...
i promise that i will get best grade next semester
to all my friends...
i wish you good luck and congratulations
may God bless all of you
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 09:37:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A124476
what do you know about a rainbow?
have you ever seen a rainbow?
rainbow is sunlight spread out into its spectrum of color and diverted into the eye of the observer by water droplet..the colours of rainbow are a familiar sight to everyone right?they are very colourfull and rising our spirits and exciting feeling...
I still can remember the first time I had seen a rainbow ..I'm 5 years old at that time AND I didn't know what it is until I learn it in year 5 ,in Science subject..first time I saw it I tought that someone had painted at the sky(you know how 5years old think )
p/s i have no idea actually..hee =)thanks for reading my merepek..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 09:00:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: A123501
What is the true meaning of love and being in love?..a118023
Love isn't blind or deaf or dumb - in fact it sees far more than it will ever tell. It is going beyond yourself and stretching who you are for someone else. Being in love entails seeing someone as you wish they were: to love them is to see who they really are and still care for them. Love isn't bitter, but you can't have love without pain: sacrifice is the hallmark of love , the coin of love.
Being in love usually is used in a romantic sense when you meet your significant other transforming a normal relationship into a deeper one without further interest in others.
Love means that you trust the person, would do anything for the person, know that person is with you through thick and thin, isn't afraid to be seen with you. make sure they treat you right......I HOPE YOU ALL CAN FIND SOMEONE YOU LOVE....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 08:55:00 PM 2 comments
hai my freind...are you ready to practise drama for tomorrow..
i've know some all of you must 'takut2' tomorrow..but i hope we can do the best for this drama..aja aja fighting my freinds...cayoks cayoks...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 08:50:00 PM 0 comments
biscuit cincin from sabah ba....A118023
First of all,thanks to mis N,,because today she bought for we all biscuit cincin...huhu
before that i never eat that biscuit..thanks miss N,,next time bring for me again..hehee
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 08:33:00 PM 0 comments
Laptop!!!! ( A123835 )
hi lovely friends....
Do you know about laptop??hmm.. i think,nowadays,most of people have a laptop..right??
It's mean,it is very important especially for students...huhu...
So,now i want to share with you all about laptop.=)
Firstly, a laptop also called a notebook and it is a personal computer.A laptop also small an easily to bring anywhere.Generally,battery of laptop can survive for about 1to 6 hours depending on how the use, specification and size battery.Actually, a laptop good for people because can give any information so easily and fastly.
Hmmm... so interesting.Right??hehe
okey,that's all today.. i'm just want to share with u all about this...take care yourself! But don't forget take care your laptop too if you love your notebook...bye!!! =)
( A123835)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 08:25:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: by : A123835
Thanks for Ms N (A122098)
Firstly,I want to thanks to Ms N for the present at this morning..
Thank you very much because Ms N always remember we all...
The biscuit cincin is very delicious...
Before that,I never eating it..
I just want to remember for all my friends to go to our practise of drama tomorrow...
I hope we all can no the best in drama on 19th of June...
See you tomorrow..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 07:52:00 PM 1 comments
hiding no more...
Where is the best place for dating? Mid Valley???Such a bored place...crowded with people…especially for those who use the train to get there…on the other hand, I'm sure you will meet people who recognize you...and you will about near with ukm..Not more than 30 minutes to get there...nice place for dating...but my friend who before this couple secretly also have been caught already...furthermore the guys who had caugth him are paparazies...hahah..syadu2x...plan to hide konon…we have your photos people who want to keep secret about your dates please don’t dating at Alamanda k.. Even at Times square or Ou, Sunway pyramid and what so ever lah…how about your change you dates by visiting Zoo, may be there will be no person that recognize you…I’m afraid not…heheh…my friend had try this..She is look very excited you know…so you can try this..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 07:14:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: M.J (A119654)
drama -bdk-(A124327)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 07:02:00 PM 0 comments
"too bad" -bdk-(A124327)
last night, i want checked my result,
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 06:44:00 PM 0 comments
My pets-(A122098)
Hamsters are popular pets, and for good reason. They are easy to care, usually bond well with their owners, and on top of everything else, the are very cute! Learn about choosing a pet hamster, pet hamster care, and providing all the necessities for your hamster in this handy hamster care guide.
1. Is a Pet Hamster Right for You?
2. Choose a Healthy Hamster
3. Choose a Hamster Cage and Supplies
4. Feeding Hamsters
5. Handling Hamsters
6. Toys for Hamsters
7. Hamster Breeding
I don't advocate the casual owner breeding their hamsters -- that is best left to breeders who concentrate on breeding for health and temperament. However, there are times when accidents happen, including hamsters that weren't separated soon enough at the pet store and come home pregnant. Also, knowing about hamster reproduction can help prevent accidents in the first place. Here's help if you find yourself with a pregnant hamster:Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 06:25:00 PM 0 comments
Action!!!! drama...( A123835 )
hi everybody!!!
how your preparing for our drama?
hmm..i think most of all very nervous and happy..right???
Tomorrow, we have meeting for our discussion about drama, 12th June 2009 on friday..We meet at Pusanika ok...time???hmm..10.00 a.m
...title drama??
huhu..surprise!!! hehe JUMANJI..
I also excited with drama because i like this story..i mean Jumanji...
This story is so interesting.the game in jumanji story so scared..huhu..
anything can happen..=(..
but, just drama only ,for make fun!hehe
Lastly,do the best for our drama..okey!! Good Luck!!
( A123835)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 06:20:00 PM 0 comments
Tomorrow got a practice for our drama...
we all got the script dis morning...
when i got the script, i faster check the dialogue that i should be memorized..
it was so surprised and excited because i only have ONE sentence in the script...
that is"congratulation my sweetheart..."
anyway, i hope practicing tomorrow will be going smooth...
gambateh to u guys....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 05:26:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A117358
i checked my result last night..
it was so nervous when i opened the smpweb to check for my result...
luckily my result is not such that what i was imagined before..
my roommate was sad and upset last night..
at first, she was happy when she saw her result..
but at last she just realized that the system got some problems..
she counted back her pointer by herself n knew that her pointer is not that high that before...
i comforted her for awhile then she only cool down...
hope today she will be better..
good luck to her and myself ...
all the best to u all...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 05:13:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A117358
Do the best of the best....A122098
Tips for Success
Studying at a distance can be challenging, however, with a positive attitude and dedication to your studies, you can achieve your educational goals. The tips below will help you get started.
- Internet searching skills are essential.
Having the ability to search quickly and effectively on the Internet is essential. To learn effective research methods, see Online Research under Learner Resources at the left. If you need assistance citing online references, see Writing/Communication Skills under Learner Resources. - Be comfortable with written communication.
Because nearly all communication is written in the virtual classroom, you will be writing quickly and often. If you have limited writing abilities or are uncomfortable expressing yourself in writing, work on improving these skills before or as part of your online experience. Purdue University has an Online Writing Lab (OWL) that offers tutorials, workshops, study materials, conversations groups, a grammar hotline, and more. - Be self-motivated.
Because there is freedom and flexibility in the distance education environment, you need to be responsible and self-disciplined. Distance education requires a commitment. Be prepared to spend as much time per week as the course requires—usually 12 to 15 hours per week per course. - Take control of your learning experience.
There are many resources available to help you succeed, both on the ICN Web site and at your Home Institution. It is up to you to take ownership of your learning experience. - Get your own email address and check your mail frequently.
Email is the most common way to communicate with your instructor(s), your advisor, your ICN campus coordinator, and other students. If you do not currently have your own email account, free accounts may be obtained from,, and Most colleges and universities provide their students with a free email address; however, you will still need to obtain a local Internet Service Provider (ISP). If you don't have Internet access at home or at your place of work, you can use the equipment at your local learning center or library. - Advising is important.
Without an academic advisor to review your plan of study and the courses you have taken so far, you could accidentally register for a course that won't count toward your program. Only your academic advisor can verify which specific courses will meet your degree requirements. If you are in need of an academic advisor, contact the ICN campus coordinator at your Home Institution. - Registration dates vary.
Registration dates and deadlines for distance education courses do not always coincide with registration dates for on-campus courses. Be sure to check the ICN Registration Time Tables prior to registering each semester. - The drop/withdrawal policy of your Home Institution always applies.
When taking a course that originates from an ICN institution other than your Home Institution, the drop/add/withdrawal policies of your Home Institution always apply. - Participation is vital to your success.
Keeping up with your assignments and participating in your courses is vital to your success. Distance education courses have the same requirements as on-campus courses, and attendance may play a role in your final grade. - Notify your instructor about any problems you encounter.
If you have problems with course content or the technology, notify your instructor so you can get the assistance you need to complete your course. Be sure to fill out the SUBJECT line in your email so your instructor will know the urgency of your communication. Allow a reasonable amount of time for your instructor to respond. And be sure to notify your instructor promptly of changes in your email address and/or telephone number. - If you need assistance, just ask.
Just as campus-based students have access to support services, as a distant learner, you have a variety of resources, including your instructor, ICN campus coordinator, and ICN staff who can point you to online resources as well as to a local learning center, where you will find coordinators who have experience helping distant learners.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 03:00:00 PM 1 comments
Salam and very good evening...
Erm,,,what about your result????
I think everybody got power of result...
Congratulation to you all....
I think it's very too much because the result has been changed...
I feel very down and fed-up....
how about you all????
Let's think about our examination in short sem ok???
Do the best my friend...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 02:43:00 PM 0 comments
a perfect partner
A friend asked a gentleman how it is that he never married? Replied the gentleman, "Well, I guess I just never met the right woman. I guess that I have been looking for the perfect girl."
"Oh, come on now," said the friend, "Surely you have met at least one girl that you wanted to marry."
"Yes, there was a girl, once. I guess she was the one perfect girl - the only perfect girl I really ever met. She was just the right everything. I really mean that she was the perfect girl for me." replied the gent.
"Well, why didn't you marry her," asked his friend.
The gent replied, "She was looking for the perfect man." hehehe....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 01:15:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A124476
when it will end....
..huhu..upsr..pmr..spm.matriculation..and now at university for six semester's...huhu....there too much of very hard...our life full of sacrifies...we must try..hmm actually not try but need!!! hard to get best thing for our self..huhu...good result as a determinator to allow us to get good must do the best!!!!!...because Allah will help who just always do the best and always pray...
good luck!!!... about your result for the second semester..????!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/11/2009 01:13:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: aPple_Qarz..A124788
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
being a boy.
Being a boy
I am a boy. I don’t have siblings.
I am the only child in my family.
Sometimes I felt bored alone.
My parents love me very much even they didn’t say to me.
They very care with my study.
Everyday, they make sure that I do my KUMON. (I have tuition at KUMON)
Sometimes I didn’t do my KUMON, especially during the school holiday.
When I concentrate with playing my mom said ‘ Aiman… dah buat KUMON?’
I pretend I don’t hear anything.
If I be so lazy they will ‘rotan ‘ me. Zapp!!
During the school holiday my cousins stay at my house in couple of day.
We were going to holiday at interesting places, playing and playing. That fun! But KUMON must!
When my parents go to outstation, I felt lonely.
Even I stay at my cousins house. I miss mom and dad very much.
I felt guilty because I didn’t do my homework.
My heart is empty. I realize I can’t far apart from my family.
I promise I’ll always follow their advice. Take care them when I grow up someday.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/10/2009 06:31:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: by A125211
Drama Venue
Drama : Dear All, Here are the venues for Drama: Sets 1, 2 & 3: DK43.101, KTAMS - WED. 17 JUNE, 9 - 11am Sets 4, 5 & 14: DK43.102, KTAMS - WED. 17 JUNE, 9 - 11am Sets 6, 7 & 8: DK43.102, KTAMS - FRI. 19 JUNE, 9 - 11am Sets 9, 10, 12 & 13: DK43.103, KTAMS - FRI. 19 JUNE, 9 - 11am KTAMS - Kompleks Tun Abdullah Mohd Salleh |
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/10/2009 01:55:00 PM 5 comments
Labels: A121506
How can u fall in love?
What is the love? Why we love someone or something? Our family, friends or mayb pets.
Love is someone soul is tendency to something that can give she/he benefits and something suitable with her/his habits. Why u love someone or things?
Jeng Jeng because someone is kind to u. He/she always help u when u in trouble or have a problem even u are not hoping his/her help. Like our parents that always help us anytime. Try to solve our problem… if u need something like money they will help u. Everyone love their parents rite. Next there is something/someone beautiful. U will attract with something/someone beautiful … are u? Yes of cause u are! Example u want to buy a shirt. U will choose something that beautiful, look interesting and suitable with u. U will fall in love with it. Rite? First u like it and then u love it. Will u buy a shirt that look ugly?? Love to somebody also because of he/she behaviour. Maybe she/he is brave, intelligent, cool person and funny. Moreover u love somebody because he/she have same characteristic with u. U live sports he/she also like sports. Something that common to both of u will make both are u friendly. And now before love someone love yourself first. U will love yourself because u are exits, knowledgeable and perfect. Appreciate what that given to u.
by tarttelor
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/10/2009 07:13:00 AM 10 comments
Labels: by A125211
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I’m not that kind of “bibik”…
Once upon time….hehe…one day, I went shopping with my sister and her husband and my cutest nieces…we went shopping at OU(One Utama)… since I have been so long not go to OU so I feel very excited on that sister bring along her daughter name Aqilah,3 years old and her son name Irfan almost 2 years old…while I was busy trying shoes, zuuppp!!! Sudenly Aqilah the naughty one hoho screamed loudly to me at the other side “bibik3x Qilah pakai kacut ni!!!” my face changed colour that can’t be explain…huhu…girls that standing beside me turned their face to me…they looked me up and down…wuwuwu…Aqilah not satisfied when I don’t bother what his she screamed again this time she did it more loud and clear….every person in that shop looked at me!!! At this time I don’t know my face expression it was…My sister shut her mouth and she quiet ... I felt very shy and at the same time a little bit funny also…hahaha…in my head, I just thinking I want to bite Aqilah!.. I leave that shop immediately… They must be thought that I was my sister's maid…”bibik” not always means maid loh… Actually in “bahasa jawa”,”bibik” mean autie…from now onwards I will ask her to call me “kakak”…hehe…
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/09/2009 09:30:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: M.J (A119654)
Seven Rabbits - kurok post (A117773)

Boy: "Seven!"
Teacher: "No, listen carefully again. If I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?"
Boy: "Seven!"
Teacher: "Let's try this another way. If I give you two apples and two apples and another two apples, how many apples have you got?"
Boy: "Six."
Teacher: "Good. Now if I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?"
Boy: "Seven!"
Teacher: "How on earth do you work out that three lots of two rabbits is seven?"
Boy: "I've already got one rabbit at home now!"
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/09/2009 09:20:00 PM 1 comments
gud luck!!!!....
just want to say good luck for the result this 11 of june
fell very nervous?????
just take a long breath and pray for it...
chaiyok2 !!!!>>>>.....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/09/2009 08:49:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A124476
who can dance here...????
heheheheh.....actually i like watch people dance...i also wish that i can dance not perfect but if people see they say that i can dance...hahahahhahaha...
it cool right..when i see especially guys,they dance break dance...or cool...because for me unique...your movement of your elastic..heheheheh..once day i can make it...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/09/2009 08:25:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: ( A 124746 )
11 June 2009.....okkk..i know you all know right....i worry about my result...
i hope that my result will be all too...we all can send a text to check our result...but i think i don't want to make it....emmmm....never day we all know our result too...
22 June 2009...the day for examination....heheheheh..hope you all can make it better....
have a nice day...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/09/2009 08:17:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: ( A 124746 )
See the Fire Flies at Kuala Selangor - a124476
a nice outing in my home town....
seeing the fire-flies (kelip-kelip) is something realy enjoy. it is one of the famous place in Selangor and located at kg kuantan,Kuala Selangor. I was visited there when i was 8 years old with my family. it was very nice place and we had to take a boat or sampan to ride down the river.
the fire-flies in kg kuantan are synchronized when they's amazing to see this insects lighting up at night on berembang tree and flickering like the christmas tree light.
it was very exciting. we also can relase our tension there and have a fresh air...
it is a suitable place to spend time with family or friend.
let go there and enjoy your self!!!!!
have a nice trip...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/09/2009 08:10:00 PM 0 comments
Free Time A123498
Most people have their free Time everyday. Sometimes they are bored but other Time they try to do something pleasant.
They have different hobbies, which help them to relive stress and forget about everyday work and problems. There are many
kinds of activities which they like to do but all of them have their own favourite way of spending free Time - it depends
on age, chatacter, place of living and other aspects.A lot of people like travelling. They search for new places which
they’ve never seen and for
exciting experiences connected with travelling. Some go to the mountain, where they can Test their strength. Others go to
the sea or to the lake, where they can rest. Almost every person likes to travel to other countries,
to see new wonderful places..huhu..i lovin' it
Many people practise Sport regularly in their spare time. After work they like running, playing football, basketball.
They know that Sport is a good way to relax so they always try to have at least a little Time for everyday practising sport.
The doctors says that sport is needed for good development of our health (I think that it’s true).hihi.
young people often goes to the cinema, practising Sport, meeting with friends,
walking. Women also like to do shopping every weekend right?hihi..they have some places where they can meet, for example
cafes, some sports facilities, the Park in the Centre of the town, where they may rest and breathe fresh air. The
young often meet with their girl/boyfriends in their free Time.
Some people like using computer in their spare time. They have a great pleasure when they can play computer
games or to know new computer programmes (this is the kind of a hobby for me..hihi). Other people can sit Down in Front of the TV set
and watch it a whole day..for way..haha... A lot of people like resting listening to music or the radio. Some men like going to the river
or the lake to go fishing..what do you think about also have a free time right?
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/09/2009 04:55:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A123498
free or pay
What things without money?
What call without bill or credits?
Some people said to stand in this world needs money.
Some of them said “Money can buy anything”
Even love.( In the gift of the Magi and other stories)
WOW the power of money!
How about you?
Did you have same opinion?
Sometimes we can chatting each other for hours
Sacrifices our money to call someone for hours
Finished our money Rm50 per week just for call or…
Maybe less than that because many big company offer discount for call.
Have u ever think…
Talk and call without money and phone?
You can talk anytime you want…
How long you want.
In any kind of situation
Share your feeling. What u do and don’t.
Don’t worry about bill every month.
No bills for the whole life!
Is it weird?
Nothing impossible to God The Most Hearing and Most Knowing.
But we as His slave…
Have we ever spent a day to talk to God?
Or even for a second…
Sometimes after prayer we ‘doa’ just for a short time, maybe less than five minutes…
Think about it.
Don’t miss the opportunity that had given.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/09/2009 02:39:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: by A125211
Sunday, June 7, 2009
owh my result...huaaa3333...~mie a118298~
There are about two days left that our result will come out on Thursday...... heart beat so fast....I'm so nervous....and i know that everybody are feeling it too...
It is such a nightmare to me...
every semester i did not score good result...really sad about it...
There are most important that i always got warning from is not about they want to cut my scholarship but they want me to improve and getting more excellent result...
My family always 'advise' me especially my mom..i know that all their 'advice' are to make me know how important to get better result...mostly after want to get a job in the future...huhuhuhuu.....what i'm suppose to do????i'm so lazy.....
I'm really sad that when i entered at the university, i become more lazy....maybe the atmosphere has is not like same whether at matrix or primary school...
I must changes myself...I must!!!!
I must trust this saying....
"They say that the higher you fall,the higher you will bounce"
All the best everyone....hurmmmm....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/07/2009 08:40:00 PM 1 comments
"terengganu's stadium" -bdk-A124327
too much shame to terengganu...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/07/2009 04:26:00 PM 3 comments
Yesterday i went to midvalley with myfriend. while i arrived at station ktm ukm, i see my mentor wait her son .i went near him and shaked hand with him.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/07/2009 04:02:00 PM 0 comments
HOSTEL?????? (A125623)
I like to live in hostel because it make me more discipline,but sometime there was something that we dont expected in hostel was when i'm in form 4,that nite i dont know why there were too many mosquitoes,so my friend,Ain used a mosquito the room,there were 20 of us,so Ain,Anim and i combined our bed.three of us liked to sleep together because we can chat before slept.when,we wanted to sleep,Ain put a mosquito coil under our bed.while sleeping,my "bantal bucuk"fell down on to the mosquito coil and burn that pillow into half.when i wake up,i take back put on to my stomach without knowing that pillow burning.
After 2 minutes,Ain relize that my pillow was on fire and our room fill with smoke,Ain woke up and take the pillow and wet in with some water.after that,all of my friends in the room woke up and Ain told them what had happened.i am glad because i dont get burn.
If Ain dont relize it,i probably get burn to was a funny memory but also dangerous..
so take care yourself and also your friends when all of you stayed at hostel..hehehehe..(",)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/07/2009 01:17:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: A125623
"When I Feel Sad" (A125623)
when i feel sad,
i will stay away from my friends because i like to be alone when i am sad.
for me,that is the time i dont want to be disturb,
i also eat as many as for want then i sad because when eating
i can forget about my sadness.
when i feel sad,
i will cry to satisfy myself so i feel better after that.
when i feel sad,
i will pray to God because only God more knowing and more caring..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/07/2009 01:03:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A125623
"love her"......(A125623)
yesterday,my mother called and she said that she missed me so much and her asked when i going back to the village.i fell sad because i have not go back to village for a long time,so i told my mother that i only have 3 weeks of classes left before holiday.i also told her dont worried too much because i am in a good condition here.i remembered her to take care herself and my other siblings.
my mother really happy after hearing what i said.before disconnected the phone line,i asked about my father and my stepmother because my father rarely contact me now.after a long chat with my mother,we greet each other and i said "love her".
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/07/2009 12:46:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A125623
best buddy... (A123565)
to talk to..and to share our problem
no one can life without others..
without fiends..our life is empty..
(oup-maybe not for certain person =)
but for me..friends is too important to us..
miss my best buddy so much..
we go to class together..
shopping together..and
we share our problem..
we do our assignment together..huhuuu..=))
she's always besides me when i need her..after family heheh..
hye my best are you getting on?
what are you doing now?,..Long time not see you..
because u r not a Malaysian..
dear all..dont ever you hurt them..promise me..
your friends..especilly your best buddy..huhuuu
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/07/2009 11:17:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: A123565
poem - accident-
I open the window slowly.
A river flowing lazily near the meadow.
The environment is very quietly.
Suddenly my mind reminds something tragically.
My tears goes down.
Bang! I heard a loudly sound outside.
I urgently went out from my house.
I saw a boy with his bicycle lie down on the road.
Someone collide him and ran immediately.
Maybe a car... motorcycle...
Only God knows.
My family and I quickly took the weak boy to the hospital.
But the boy was death because the bleeding his had.
Now I lost someone that I love.
My only brother in our family...
By tarttelor.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/07/2009 01:26:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: by A125211
boring boring boring !!!! `mie a118298 ~
Sound like i'm now so boring...boring at UKM....Yeah....that right...
Everyday look like boring.....I'm bored...what I'm suppose to do.....???
chat with friends???all my friends look like so time to chat with me...huaaaa...
surf internet???hurmmm...everyday i surfing the internet....I've don't know what i want to surf anymore....just play game in boring.....huhuhu....
but look like this sem will finish at the around of corner.....just a few week left...huhuhu...yahooo..i can go with my family..
hurmmm...but im it only two before all of us enter the new sem....huhuhuhu......
Just be patient.......hurmmmmmmm.... ;-(
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/07/2009 01:06:00 AM 1 comments