Saturday, June 6, 2009
so nice.......(A125623)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 11:53:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A125623
My hoMetOwn.. (A123565)
hi!! see this picture..! this is a view of town Kuching Sarawak from the river sarawak..
maybe someone take this picture when he in a 'Perahu tambang' heheh..or he might
at the Astana..(Astana James Brooke..)
at this picture we can see the Waterfront there..its very nice at night..right?
there also we can see many buildings there...almost are shopping complexs and hotels...go to sarawak then ok?? (haha promote sarawak)..
then..i miss there so much..i always go to the waterfront with my friends on saturday...we shopping together..and sometime go to cineplax..huhuu..wait for me Kuching!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 10:31:00 PM 6 comments
Labels: A123565
Midvalley (A125623)
Today,me and my friend,Tura went to Midvalley.I bought a pair of new blue beautiful shirt.After tired shopping,we have a lunch at KFC.While eating,three men always looked at both of us.We felt so shy because they smiled and only stared at us.
After walked around the Midvalley,me and Tura have an opportunity to taked pictures together.hurm......"its seems liked it was first time we went there..hahaha..(",).While busy taked pictures,suddenly i felt someone was looking at us.When i turned back i saw that three men at the KFC was looking the way us behaving.For the second time we felt very shy and without wasting our time,both of us directly runed away.We bought tickets for us to go back to UKM.
emmm....after 10 minutes waiting,komuter (KTM) arrived but unluckly the KTM was fulled and only Tura can enter it.There was auntie pulled my hand and she said "the KTM was fulled my dear,its better for you not to go in,just waited for the another KTM".Finally, i let Tura to go first and i felt so sad.
For the third time i felt so shy because the three men have saw the incident and then they go near to me and said "be patience and dont be afraid,we will accompanion you waiting for the next KTM". I felt relieve and smiled with them. We have talked while waiting for the KTM.
35 minutes after that,the KTM arrived.Before i leaved, i thank to them and said goodbye..
Actually,the three men are worked as policeman at Cheras.i knew that because they are already told me and i also knew from auntie sat beside me...so,i felt safe on that time..
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 10:23:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A125623
you are always on my mind...( A123565 )
i love ur smile..and ur care to me..
i want to meet u just now...but we are so far.;<
you are always beside when i need you..
and give me a very specialy gift every on my bithday.
you give me money until now
i will never forget your sacrifice ..
i miss your cook so much..mom..you are everything to me..
i will do whatever you want..and never hurt you..
i'm so impatient to go back home!! wait for me my lovely mom!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 10:15:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: A123565
(A125623) My Teddy Bears
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 09:41:00 PM 5 comments
Labels: A125623
CATs... (A123565)
salam ..
i love cat very much..
aa..they are so cute....huhuu..right?
i believe that almost of us have cat at home...maybe at ur college also u have a cat...haha
i like white and yellow (actually orange) cat especially..hik3..i have two cats at home..their name is Labu and Pinky (but the colour is not pink ho..hahaha)...Pinky's colour is white plus grey..and labu is orange colour...
i always give milk to them..they love to eat cuttlefish!! huh its so great for them because my place its so easy to find cuttlefish..=)...and then, a special with Pinky, he can eat durian!! huh what a cat..haha
i love my cats so much!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 09:37:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A123565
i have seen the film saw 2 and 3...it's such a horror movie...
when i seen the saw2 what the rule of game that the man make....
the person who have been in the game have to survive...also have to play the game...
if not u will die....when i see the saw3 everyone die..include the man that make the game...
actually the first thing that i think is how can this game make to the person....maybe the man that make the game want make a change to someone...but....emmmm
i don't know....but it a lot of fun any more to scary...!!!!!!!
( A 124746 )
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 09:32:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: ( A 124746 )
a story about me n my friend...haha (A123565)
Hi everyone...
erm..just one to share this funny story(just 4 me n her)haha...actually not too funny...huhuu
Last Friday i went to Mid Valley with my friend..this is the 4th we go there together..hi8..
there are so many peoples there..i cant forget that i and my friend always confuse when
go there (when we want to go back to ukm)..hii..we always ask the security guard where's the way to the ktm station..huhuh..
that place is so big for us..(mby not for u =>) hehe..this is because so many shops there..and we cant remember the way to the ktm..so confusing..huhuh...
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 09:16:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: A123565
emmm now already 1.1oam....huhu.....where i want to find fOod??!!...cafe was closed!!!...mini shop at my college also was closed tOo..
arghhh..my stomach!!!..
what shOuld i do??!!!....emmmm.....huhu.....
i asked my friends...roOmate...
they have fOod...maggi...huhu....it's might sound like i'm lucky to get the food..
badly i'm not eat maggi....sO...i just said thanks!!!...hmmm....means...i need to force my stomach to patient wait for tomorrow morning....hahhaa...sound funny!!!..but i must!!!
.......now....patient...............my stomach sound....@#$%%^!%^^&%@.....i wish that prince will come into my dream to give me delicious food!!!..huhu....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 01:09:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: aPple_Qarz..A124788
hye everyone....~mie a118298~
Assalamualaikum and hello everyone....
I need all of us vote for the who will be the main actor - Alan for our drama...hehehe....
They are:
1) Syafiq
2) Musyrif (domestic partner)
3) Amir
Just vote....thankz you...=.=
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/06/2009 12:34:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: a118298
Friday, June 5, 2009
guava...i like guava..
....everyday when i was finishing my class...i always come to mini shop "cmart" at my college to buy guava!!! ...huhu.....i l ike it!!!..it's cheap!!!..just only rm1....huhu.....so my money rm1 must be subtracts from my account for EVERYDAY!!!....huhu....just only for guava!!!........
do you like guava???!!!...come and see me!!!....i always wait for you to eat guava together!!!..huhu..not for buy you guava!!.......haahha....hurry up!!!..hhhhihihi.....
hmmm........it hard for me to find fresh guava at supermarket...there's seem like "layu"..huhu...so i just buy it at my cmart...huhu,....easy!!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/05/2009 11:08:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: aPple_Qarz..A124788
...scrap book..uhu!!!
.... takes many time to finish it!!!..but i'm enjoying it!!!
in process to finish my scrap book...huhu..it's too difficult in part of printing....
in third semester....
so many of cybercafe was closing...so.....
i need looked for another college to get the printing service...huhu...but it's lucky for me because one of my friends was told me that at his college cybercafe is always open....so..i was very happy because i found "cc" to complete my scrap book!!!...yahOoooooooo...
because i need to print a lots of things....
include of pictures which i need to print colour....now...huhu..my scrap book already finish!!!
and i already submit it!!!!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/05/2009 10:43:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: aPple_Qarz..A124788
......i love you
......i miss you
......i want to hug you!!!
......i miss you so much!!!
......i want to kiss you!!!
............i love you...mum!!!
...i'm not come back home about 1month....i really miss my mum...my family!!!
...last week...actually i was bought ticket for come back my hometown...but...it was "burn"...huhu.....
it's cause of some problems that made the ticket was "burn"..huhu...it was expensive....was about rm45....because my hometown is far from here...around 8hours travel...
.....i miss my mum...
miss her cook...especially "ikan patin asam pedas"
........but...although i'm very sad but my heart was bit happy because i can heard my mum voice on that day who told to me..."don't cry sayang"...
....love you mum!!!...
you always in my heart..my mind....always!!!!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/05/2009 10:22:00 PM 6 comments
Labels: aPple_Qarz..A124788
drama script
Fyi, our drama Jumanji script already finish today. i and our script writers meet at library today to finish it . i need to do an audition this Wednesday because we need actors that really can embodies the characters especially the four main characters. but before i do it, i apologise to all of you because there are might be high possibilities a bit changes regard to whom will play the charactes.but, some characters are still the same. i hope everyone of you will give commitment for our drama
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/05/2009 05:58:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: A120090
just about me.. A123498
Salam..hi everyone...
want to know more about me..hahaha..
just check this out..
I am a very good person who likes to be truthful and likes to spend time with friends and family. I am sensitive and understanding, at the same time I'm very strong when the time to face problems comes. I'm fun and outgoing but I'm also respectful and sometimes boring depending on the people around me..hahaha.. I am very passionate and I hardly ever get angry...i guess..haha
There are a thousand things I like to do but I'm only gonna tell you a few of them. I watch a lot of TV, read magazines, playing games quiet often and love music. My favorite music is independent music, I also can listen to any kind of music...music drive me crazy you know.
Traveling is one of the things I really enjoy, although I haven't been to many places. In malaysia. I have been to:pahang,johor,perak,selangor,penang,kedah,perlis,melaka,N9 & KL.hihi...
i love to go to the sabah and sarawak..huhu..but i don't have the money to go there..
I enjoy almost any activities..and guess what... I'm a big fanatic of the football soccer...i like chelsea fc very much..hahaha
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/05/2009 04:49:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: A123498
Essay 10(A 110482)..wish luck to all my friends..
Our semester two result will know 11th June 2009. I wish you all get a good result like your dream. And I also want to wish good luck for final exam of semester 3 that started on 22nd June 2009. I want to give an advice that you all don’t give up to exam if you getting result not like you want. You must be strong and make sure your next result is better and better. That’s all.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/05/2009 03:08:00 PM 2 comments
Essay 9(A 110482)..ZH 2014 set6
I would like to say for this column that we all will finish our semester 3 the end of June. I hope you all don’t forget about this class. Because this course it different from other courses that you taken. We are from different faculty and program, I hope we all do not like a stranger when see our friend from this class when we finish this class.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/05/2009 03:07:00 PM 1 comments
Essay 8(A 110482)..License
Today I want to share about license info. This info especially for who don’t have a license. Start 1st Jan 2010, all driving school need to change the track to get license “P” because from the JPJ research. Malaysia many accident especially Motorcycle. Beside that, driving school now will change their system like JPJ want. I want to advise who don’t have license to get as soon as possible because it very important when you graduate and to get work. License price always rising every month. Think about that and about our future.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/05/2009 03:06:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Daily general horoscope (A122098)
Assalamualaikum and have a nice day to all my friends..
Today,i would like to share something..
You could be worried about small things but instead you had better stop trying to solve things that are not that important. For now forget those trivial concerns. It is important to do so to remain in good spirits. That kind of thoughts would wear you out.
There are not really any love stories on the agenda today, which will leave you the time to take care of your personal affairs. Whip up your personal activities and you’ll feel much better about yourself.
You are in great health and every resource is at hand to deal with a difficult situation. Mediocrity is annoying and you know you deserve better in life. Here is a chance to capitalize on your unique personal qualities.
You are in great health. Along the way, expect to find understanding from someone who will help you finish your project. Don’t anticipate quitting if you don’t get your own way immediately.
People are talking about you too much, even though you’re doing everything possible to be discreet. Praise and compliments are flying in all directions, but this doesn’t modify the sincerity of your feelings. You will know how to escape insincere flattery.
Your health will bring the peace of mind you need to start something new. Leave behind all those anxieties that keep popping up even in simple matters. Look forward for a life of good.
You might receive an enticing offer that you’ll know to refuse even if it looks like a good opportunity. You won’t have any problem deciding on the other opportunities you will get soon.
You could well have a schedule full of pointless meetings. You have deadlines to respect or time limits not to pass. These numerous outings or receptions might well exhaust you so take plenty of time to rest.
Just a little morning exercise will buy you a great health. Your energy reaches a peak and you can take up a new challenge that is important to you. A fresh adventure is in store for you, so take advantage of the wonderful moments ahead.
A last minute opportunity will present itself. You will be able to plan the next event differently. It is a change in your favor. You can give priority to a project that you started a while ago that is dear to you.
Be in a healthy state of mind and a big smile will light up your face. Finally, you’re going to work things out. You are going to triuphantly get through a difficult time and your good disposition will be of great help to you. You well deserve the rewards life is going to give you.
Pay close attention to some revealing signs and hints that will come your way all week. You are in good physical and moral form and you are confident. You adventurous spirit will allow you to take risks and to show others what you are capable of.
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/03/2009 10:54:00 PM 1 comments
drama...-bdk- A124327
Assalamualaikum..huhuh, At last we decided our drama to present...Now, i'm watching Jumanji movies to know more about it...i forgot its way of the story..
So, i need to watch it again...its ok because i'm enjoying it alot...
to all my friend ,enjoy watching it...bye2
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/03/2009 02:15:00 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
btw, regarding your blog writing..i will ONLY count original posts!! cut and paste lyrics, poems or articles are NOT ACCEPTED. original poems I DO ACCEPT.
also when you write your post if you notice at the bottom there is a place where you can write "labels for this post"from this week it would be helpful for me if you can use your matrics no. to label each of your posts.for those who have done so for the previous weeks well done. for those who didnt its ok. you dont have to edit..nanti you terdelete your post pulak kang rugi kang.....
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/02/2009 01:12:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: FROM MS N.
Salam everyone..frist of all let me apologies for not being around the past few classes.Not be coz i dont like you..I do... but i havent been well. hope you have enjoyed the classes taught by Pn. Faridah Musa,Pn Syikin. From week 4 until the end of the semester ,someone else will replace me instead. I hope that you will give your best co-operation to her and work just as hard(for some people...more than they were with me....).You do neeed to start working on your drama. so hopefully by now you shouldnot be complaining of being bored with nothing to do..your time should be fully occupied with the drama preparation starting from NOW!.so if you ahvent decided yet get MOVING!
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/02/2009 12:48:00 AM 6 comments
Labels: FROM MS N.
Monday, June 1, 2009
luv u.
need u.
miss u.
wanna b wif u.
laugh together.
eat togather.
he/she reply ur mes late.
ignore u.
hate u.
don wanna c u.
This all are nature in our life.
u must receive it.
wherever u live.
what ever u do.
always remember.
life isnt difficult.
sometime we juz not meet da right person in our life.
mayb there is someone is waiting for u.
in open hand.:)
TIME will shows everything.
beliv in urself.:)
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/01/2009 04:03:00 PM 2 comments
i don't know what i gonna 2 write recently...
my life is so boring and nothing special...
but what i am happy is after this thursday i will going back to my hometown...
my family and my boy friend are waiting for me to back home...
i miss them so much and i know that they are also miss me..
good night to my friends...have a sweet dreams ...^^
Posted by lavender_6 at 6/01/2009 12:37:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: A117358